Sunday we spend the day at Brien's parents celebrating his youngest brother's birthday. The weather was amazing and the kiddos played and played!
Today started out lovely and sunny, a little on the chilly side. We took a long walk this morning while the carpets were being cleaned and when we got back it started to rain. Seriously. I was having my carpet cleaned because of the muddy dog and now they are all fresh and in terrible danger of being messy again. Boo!
The other day I was dropping Callie off at a girl scout party when we noticed the moon. It was one of the crazy harvest moons. So big and pretty in the sky and I got reminiscing. When I was pregnant with Callie, I remember a big harvest moon shining through my windows every night. Since sleep eluded me, I would stare at the huge bright moon and dream of all the things my baby girl would be. They were good nights.
Then I got to reminiscing again, today. It was all rainy and chilly outside and I was thinking about fall break the first year we moved back to Colorado. On the first day of break there was a huge snowstorm and my little Civic would just not drive! I panicked and called my brother, the car guy, and he took me to immediately invest in "real" tires. Nonetheless, even with a car that could drive Callie and I spent most of the rest of the break playing in the snow and drinking hot cocoa.
We sure had fun! I cannot wait to see how this break turns out. Hopefully full of memories per usual!
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