Monday, August 28, 2017

Alcova on Repeat

Oh my gracious did we have a fun time at Alcova this summer. Now that we are back in the full swing of school, I am seriously missing our relaxing time at the lake...

We did our big family reunion trip, which was super fun, but big and busy and full of fun time with the extended family!
We did a super long hike into the canyon. I never get sick of the view or exploring the lake!
(P.S, Kellen was swimming at the beach with the younger cousins, we did not forget him)
More hiking fun!
We also made lanterns and had a launch at the beach before the talent show that night! It was pretty awesome. I don't know where the aunties get their ideas, but they are always super cool!
It was still a little early in the summer, so it was chilly, which was perfect for the day, but cool at night!
This is what it's all about folks, cousin time!

After a great weekend, we just couldn't stay away and literally came back 2 weeks later.
The second trip was glorious! No plans or structure, just our little family of 4 hanging out and exploring!
There's my river...Some day people , some day! It's my life's ambition to have a house on the river and float it everyday... just sayin' 
Yay for family adventures!
We got to stay at the trailer all by ourselves so we didn't have to worry about putting up and taking down the tent. It was fabulous! Plus we didn't get near as dirty, so less time was spent keeping clean!
Our first stop was the beach for a swim. Kellen was not a fan of the goose, who would not leave him alone on land or at sea!

Jake got to come too, so that was cool. He hasn't been on a camping trip since he was a puppy!
The next day we explored. This is Alcova Dam. I had not a clue this even existed!

Huh... you don't say?
After Alcova dam, we went to black beach, which I also didn't know was even a place, but it is. It was super weird. I wish I would have taken some pictures, but we didn't get out of the car, we just drove around it. The sand is literally black, creepy, huh? Brien also said that they find all kinds of dinosaur parts and prehistoric things there. Google it, it's cool! So next time we go, it's dinosaur digging time!
After a trip all around Alcova we drove about 30 minutes to a different lake, Pathfinder, for more adventures and fun! 
This here is Pathfinder Dam. The picture just does not do it justice. It is terrifying and loud and awesome!

After all the dam hiking we took the kids fishing and swimming at the lake...This was more my speed!
This was my view for like 3 hours. I miss this view...

The kids had a blast splashing and swimming and we were the only ones there!

I just parked my chair right in the water and spent the whole afternoon like this, perfection!
After playing a losing game of fishing we were feeling brave so, we decided to hike across the dam. I am not gonna lie. It was scary to feel millions of gallons of water shaking the ground under you!

Straight down! Who wants to climb the ladder??

These are the signs, y'all!!!

This is the bucket they would use to shuttle people and materials across this....
Umm, no thank you!
After being safely back on solid ground, we headed back to Alcova for some lunch and more time at the beach. It was a busy day!
Once we were fueled back up, the kids were ready for more beach time! They really had some sandy cheeks that night!

There was like 2 other families there, that's it!

After introducing our children to the awesomeness that is Sandy Beach, it was time for supper...
Then we were right back at it, fishing! We had to use up our fishing license!

It was so pretty and perfect!

And we actually caught a fish! Well the kids and Brien caught 3 in a row within like 15 minutes! We ended up throwing them back because we only had one cooler and it was full of food, so back to the lake it was for these lucky fish!
We headed home exhausted and happy the next morning. It was SUCH a fun weekend and I love spending time with my people. I need another Alcova weekend!

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