Friday, December 30, 2016

Catching up and making time

It has been too long since I had a chance to update! Things have been a bit busy as of late, but here is what we have been up to...
We finished up the semester at school! Yay! I got to experience the glory and chaos of my first elementary Christmas party. That was a trip, let me tell you!
We had a hot cocoa party, made presents and watched Christmas movies, what a super fun day! I don't know how I could go back to teaching the upper grades, when elementary is so extraordinary fabulous!
So a few years ago, Callie's teachers gifted her students with some reindeer food and I thought, "Those silly elementary teachers, they must have so much time on their hands." Yeah. I did it, and no I did not have extra time on my hands. Along with a new book and pencils and erasers, my students were the most excited about oatmeal and glitter. It is pretty magical!

We choir-ed it up! I had no idea how demanding the job is for elementary choir students is, we attended not one, not two, but three performances for this little budding singer. 

We had the MOST fun favorite things party with my 2nd grade team! We got together on our first real day of break and had a feast while the kiddos decorated Christmas cookies and we traded the most fun presents! Have you ever been to a favorite things party? They are a blast. I have been to two this month and it is super neato. You decide on a price limit, we picked $6. Then you buy three of your favorite things to trade and you leave with three new things that were some one else's favorite. I think I have a new favorite thing! 
How cute are these little nesting bowls?! They have a bunch of different shapes, shells, hearts, etc at World Market, but the stars are my favorite!

We also spent most of the week finishing our Christmas shopping and getting ready for our big trip to Texas! I really should have been a better planner and used my time in the beginning of the month to plan, shop and pack, but I chose to spend time to my family and friends instead!
It was refreshing to only think about what was coming in the immediate future(I.E that day or the next day) and not stress about what was happening in a week or in the next few days. I think that this is going to be one of my New Year's resolutions, to enjoy the present and the company I am in and worry about what is coming, when it comes.

I had all of these grand plans for travel kits and special presents for Callie's teachers etc and it just didn't happen. But you know what did happen, spending time with my book club girls, my family, my sweet teacher friends, church friends and that was time well spent!

So now we are home after a reeeeally long road trip and mountains of laundry to do and a house to clean and get ready for Christmas #2 and #3, more time to spend with the people I love the most and so far all I have done today is play school with Callie and cars with Kellen. So much for planing and making time!

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