Monday, March 21, 2016

Concerts, showers and general shenanigans

This weekend was another whirl wind of stuff! Well I guess it all started before that really...

St. Patrick's Day, leprechauns invaded our house again. Ol' Lucky (aka my amazing sister in law)comes by every year and leaves treats for the kiddos. They were oh-so-cute! Thursday night me mum watched the kiddos and Brien and I went for our annual Tax date. Which means dinner at Las Delicious and getting our taxes done. Every year since I have known Brien this has been a thing. It's pretty adorable, really.

Friday was concert day! Way back in the summer Callie had said she wanted to go to a Toby Mac concert. Somehow my sister-in-law was able to score great tickets for Brien, Callie and I to go with them and their bigs. It was a blast!

Callie has only been to one other concert (The Oakridge Boys, I know right?!?) so this was very different than what she was expecting! There were so many awesome bands playing. Callie loved hearing the songs we listen to on the radio in real life. The spontaneous dancing and hugging between cousins was super cute! It was a wonderful way to end a very long week!

Saturday, Brien had to work so I was on my own. It was a rough morning. After a long evening of dancing, singing and staying up waaaaayyyy past even my bed time, Callie had to be at the high school for this GT club she is a part of at 7:30. Who does that to parents on a Saturday??!! So we spent the morning running errands, dropping off, picking up etc. Then after no nap, we went my sister in law's sister's wedding shower. With both children in tow we trooped over the party and had a wonderful time!

Cuz' you have to make a wedding dress out of toilet paper...

Sunday we accidentally slept in way past bible class and the kids were wiped out after a crazy week so we just lazed around the house, It was glorious. We got Easter outfits taken care of for next weekend and enjoyed a delightful tea party with some Fuller House and a great family dinner.

Fancy, yes?!

Whew! What a weekend! Is it Friday yet??!!

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