Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Vintage Market Treasures

We have been living in our home just shy of 7 years, I finally have all the walls filled and all the spaces pretty much how I wanted them. After 7 years of staring at them, I want to change everything. Isn't that funny how we go through these phases. Maybe it's just me, but I am ready for some changes!

Well thank goodness for the Vintage Market! In Texas we had lovely Canton, First Mondays every month, but in good old CO, for all the years I have been living here, there has been nada tostada of anything like it. Until this year! My sweet friend, mother in law and sister in law have discovered the Vintage Market!

Every month they seem to be popping up around the area and have all kinds of Canton-esque treasures!

This summer we attended Market in the Meadow. It was literally a field in Bennett full of tents with people peddling their wares. I found a few goodies on my list including windmill blades and a blanket ladder!
Its covered in rust and cobwebs, so you know it's the real deal! Actually the vendor said they came from a farm in Kansas, so I thought that was pretty fun. It was also a bargain, because it's huge and other booths were selling them anywhere from $50-$100. The booth I found was selling hers for $10 a blade, so $30 later and I can check this off my list!

I love my little blanket ladder SO much! It's perfect, because my family sucks at putting blankets away. I saw oodles of these things and they were going for like $10 buck a rung, this little ladder was only 40 and it's solid and has not a darn thing wrong with it!

This last round was at the county fairgrounds and it did not disappoint! My mother in law and he sister and my sweet friend and Callie all had such a fun day hanging out and buying old junk! There were so many fun things and I could have gone a little wild and crazy buying new oldish things for our house, but I refrained...

I found this beauty! I have been wanting to make one forever, but I have not had the time/resources to get it done. This sweet guy and wife make all of these fun farm house signs and it was only $50, it's huge and I love it!

I have no idea what these are actually called. If anyone knows, could they please tell me! I thought they were lights of some kind. I know they come from barns and they might have to do with feeding chickens or something...I have plans, just kidding, Brien has plans, to make these into some kind of pendant light for the farmhouse!

So this little jacket is neither vintage nor for my home, but it was calling to me! I know, I know, I already have one, but this one is thicker and way more cozy than my wal-mart version. I know that my husband keeps calling me a sheep, but I am in love and I don't care who knows it!

That's all for the Vintage Market finds, but good news, my sweet friend emailed me and said there is another one in March! Who knows what treasures we will find. Maybe I will break down and get some bigger things on my list, stay tuned!

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