Tuesday, May 27, 2014

summer bucket list (it's a pinterest kind of summer)

Well summer is officially upon us, yay! I love the summer and not just because I don't have to go to work for 2 months, but because I get to spend time with my babies and get my house in shape for the long school year ahead. One day I was walking out the school building with a fellow teacher, on the last day of school and he said, "We will never have more summer vacation than we do at this minute." I loved that! And now the last day before each break we have, summer or otherwise, I think that to myself.

Every year Callie and I make a list, we like lists. Each week we try to do a craft or activity, make a special recipe and go some where fun. Enter the list...

As you can see, we are going to be very busy!

I am loving this schedule, as it's usually what we do anyway!

Actually not a bad idea to follow this for myself this summer! No lying around all day eating and watching tv!

Some of the things that I really want to get done are:
Get my laundry room decorated
Plant flowers in the front and back yard
Finish my collage wall upstairs
Make canvases for family room

Some places we want to go include: 
a visit to the reservoir
Brien and I want to tour a microbrewery in the mountains
Hanging lake and 7 falls

Let's see how we do!

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