Sunday, September 7, 2014

This day in history...

This weekend has been another quick one! After a rough Friday, I was ready to spend the weekend with my sweet family!

Friday I had to go into the science teacher next door to me and cry for a second after my horrible 4th period class. Then I just could not get back on track all day! I know God put these kids in my class for a reason, I just don't quite know what the reason is yet!
This week was crazy, again. Callie bridged to brownies in girl scouts. I am thankful for such a sweet group of little girls, that get to be together. They are so excited for this year!
Wednesday, Brien and I stayed up until 12:30 installing our new hot water heater, well Brien installed it I was there for moral support and fetching things. It started leaking during the summer but was kind of off and on. So, we took preventative measures and got a new one before the basement flooded. It's kind of nice to be ahead of the ball on this project. Usually we are trying to do damage control! 

Friday was my Mom's Birthday! We brought pizza and presents over to her house after work/school and hung  out for the evening

Brien has been on call this weekend and it had been quiet until Saturday, Oy! He worked all morning while Callie, Kellen and I ran errands and such. Then we headed out to the country for sweet Brookie's 4th birthday! The theme of her party was Sheriff Callie, which apparently is some sort of show. The kids had a blast panning for gold and playing all afternoon!

All boy, all the time!
After the party we jetted back to town to have a birthday/anniversary supper with my Family at the Olive Garden. It was fun but a little chaotic with the mister up and down taking calls! I hate on call weekends!

Sunday we did church, groceries and my parents came over for Brien's famous tacos and my annual collapsed angel food cake. Every year my mom requests an angel food cake for her birthday and every year I mess it up. One year I filled the pan too full and did not put the oven rack on the bottom and it was a foamy sugar mess everywhere. It was that awful burned on sugar smell that stunk up the house for a week. Another year I was cleaning the kitchen while the cake was baking in the oven, and I was wiping down the knobs on the oven and accidentally turned the oven to broil for a few minutes. That was a crispy mess. Last year was my first success, The cake was perfecto! Then I added on the super heavy gooey frosting and the cake collapsed under the weight of it. At least it was edible. This year I wisened up and googled angel food cake frosting, Most of the recipes called for whip cream of some kind. But we are not really a whip cream frosting kind of family. So I found a recipe for whipped butter cream and modified it a little. It was slightly less heavy, but we still had some smashed cake. It's the taste that matters!

So this day a year ago was pretty special! My baby brother finally settled down and tied the knot! 
It was such a sweet day! Callie was the flower girl (of course), Brien was a groomsmen and I was a 9 months pregnant, honorary bridesmaid! It was HOT that day, but it was filled with dancing, fabulous food and family!
They are so much fun and Callie and Kellen love them so much! Now they just need to get in on this kid action and get our babies some cousins!
Also this weekend in history, on a fall night, just like this one...We were sitting at home watching the broncos play, after having supper with the family, when we thought that Kellen was going to make an early appearance. I have never been so ready  to have something over with in my life! I was feeling funky, so we went to the hospital to get things checked out. Apparently you are supposed to drink lots of water when you are knocked up, nope not me! I am trapped in a classroom like 8 hours a day, there's no time for that! So I was dehydrated, they sent me home with out a baby and we had to wait another 2 weeks.

We are already starting to gear for the baby man's 1st birthday and I can't believe a year has gone by! It is terrible that I am a little teary eyed just thinking about it?? yikes!

Well, off to enjoy another wild week...

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