Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Adventures in Alcova

Alcova, Wyoming. A dot on the map, but one of my most favorite places. Every year we get together with Brien's ginormous extended family for a reunion and spent the weekend camping at the lake. It is just so beautiful and we had an amazing time!

I was slightly anxious because this was the first time Kellen has ever been camping and we were "roughing" it in a tent on the shore of the lake. Turns out that Kellen loves camping, not so much the sleeping part, but he was so good and my fears were for nothing.

We decided to get an early start and left on Thursday morning. At first, I was not exactly in favor of spending an extra day, but it really was worth it. We usually leave on Friday, get everything set up, spend the next day hanging out then leaving on Sunday morning. With all the work of getting everything situated and then having to take it all down 24 hours later, you don't get much relaxing in.

The drive up was great. I was a bad mama and forgot to pack things in the car to keep the kiddos busy, this was not a problem for Callie, but Kellen kept himself busy eating fruit snacks and screaming hysterically at the clouds. Silly boy!

When you first pull onto the road to the lake there is this epic river. I want to make it my goal to one day build a house on the river and go float down it every day. It's good to have goals!
We made terrible time getting there because of making stops, but we made quick work of getting everything set up and up to the trailer for dinner. Brien's grandparents bought this trailer a loonngg time ago and it is still in the family. We all congregate here for dinner, the talent show and general hanging out. 
After supper we headed back to our campsite and Callie and Kellen changed into the jammies and played in the sand. Nothing like starting off the trip with sandy cheeks! We had a wonderful campfire, made s'mores and finally relaxed!

Our night in the tent went shockingly smoothly. I was a little worried when the wind kicked up and the waves from the lake sounded like they were right outside the tent. I had terrible visions of the movie the parent trap when those naughty little girls drag their future step mother's tent to the middle of the lake. I may have peeped my head out to double check. Thankfully we were safe and sound and dry!

The next day was a quick breakfast and then down to the swim beach for the morning. Kellen had a blast playing the sand and Callie swam and swam.

 After lunch Brien took Kellen back to the tent for a nap and he went fishing and the bigs and I went on a very long hike! The kids were champs. We went further and higher than I have ever been in in the canyon and it was so fun for the kids to explore and find pancake rocks, lizards and all the wonders that were there to see.

After our hike we headed to freshen up. There actually is a shower and it was glorious. I know it's not "real camping" but I needed to be clean after that day! We had another great supper and the rest of the family had trickled in throughout the day and were there for dinner. That night we had another rip-roarin' fire, the boys fished and the crazy babies were chased after or snuggled after a long day of playing.

Saturday morning My sister in law, Brien's aunt and I were in charge of breakfast. It was a feast! We had a bloody mary bar, Phanneth made AH-mazing biscuits and gravy and I had an egg-y casserole that I threw together before we left. It was delish especially for camping food. Saturday the family had rented a boat and each group had it for about an hour and whizzed around the lake. It was also Kellen's first time on a boat and at first he was not so sure and he HATED his life vest, but it ended up being a great time. There is just something about being out on a boat on a sunny day!

Finally got a great picture with my sister in law! She is so pretty, I am a little jealous that I look shabby #ineedteethwhitener

Boats and dogs and cookies, this is the life

Speaking of life we let the kids have turns "driving", lets just hope she doesn't drive a car like she drives a boat!

Brothers and their babies!
After a long day at sea, we headed back for naps at the camp site. While Kellen slept, Brien fished, Callie splashed around on the shore and I laid out in the sun. It was amazing to just relax and spend time together.

After our rest time we headed back up to join the family for the last dinner and the annual talent show. It was so much fun, as usual. Callie used her Barbie Karaoke to tell jokes that she had been practicing all week. It was so cute, a little hard to hear, but she certainly loved being a comedienne!
We had one last campfire night with the family and Sunday morning we cleaned up, packed up and headed home. It was such a wonderful trip! I have to say that this year has been one of my favorites. I just love my huge extended family and our time in Alcova!

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