Thursday, March 13, 2014

Not your average book reports

Most of my students like to read. I like to think that they all love it, but in reality I know that's a stretch. Last year when kids finished a book, I had them write me a letter summarizing what happened in their stories. I, in turn would always write them back, it was exhausting!

 So this year to streamline this process,  I had them start doing book activities! Instead of a boring old book report I tried to offer them some creative options and a break from just writing. 

Students have a copy of this document in their binders and they can refer to the requirements after they complete a book. 

Book Activity Selections
1. Book Report
To be written in paragraph form (3-8 paragraphs).
Be sure to include: setting; main characters, main events; problem/conflict; protagonist and antagonist; solution.

2. Book Cover
Design a new book cover and include a written explanation with the reasons why you have re-designed the cover as you have.

3. Character Sketch
Choose a character from the book.  Write everything about him/her based on what you learned about this character in your book. (It is to be a written piece ½-1 page in length.)

4.  POV Journal/Diary Entries
Write 5 journal/diary entries telling what happened to YOU (you are to assume the identity of one of the characters from the book and write from his/her Point Of View). You must write 5 entries throughout your reading of the book.

5. Plot Line Drawings
Draw at least 5 (no more than 8) drawings to show the major parts of the Plot and include written explanation/caption for each drawing.

6. Poem
Write and illustrate a poem about your book (can be from one character’s perspective or about the book in general).

I have a copy of the book check out, turn in and activity process in my classroom library.

When students do an exceptional job on a book activity I put it up for other students to use as an example!

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