Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Good Fight

This week has been rough...
At school yesterday, there were some students making poor choices and things got ugly. I was downright depressed when I watched the caring school community that we have been pouring our blood, sweat and tears into seem to fall apart. I went back to my class totally defeated and not wanting to do anything.

THEN God did something amazing. My usually crazy, huge after lunch class, had THE best class period of the semester. They were participating, helping each other and generally being the wonderful young people that I know they can be. Despite all of the horrible things they just witnessed, they were able to put that away and have fun learning.

When I got into the car after a long draining day I heard this song...

It was just the reminder I needed and is my new anthem everyday. I immediately downloaded it and have been listening to it on repeat. 

We are in a battle everyday. I know I could give up and go somewhere else to teach, where it's not like this. It's hard. But I know this is where God has me for a reason. 

This was quite the wake up call. I will continue to fight the good fight, to care and not give up. I know God has me and the people I love, covered and that gives me joy to keep shining and be a light even when it seems depressing and impossible. 

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